The drumming and singing accompanied my yardwork all afternoon.
This weekend is the 17th Annual Odawa Jingtamok, or Pow Wow. Since the Pow Wow Grounds are less than a quarter mile from my house I can hear it all - the drums, the M.C., the singing. A Pow Wow is a Homecoming or gathering of Native American tribes or as my friend Victor Kishigo would insist, "Indians". The contemporary version includes drum, dance and singing competitions and the intricate regalia that go with it. This year's pow wow chairman, Winnay Wemigwase said they expect 300 to 400 dancers from all over the midwest. My shrubs were all planted by 7pm but the drumbeat continued on long enough to lull me to sleep.
That's cool! I didn't know you had a pow-wow grounds so close...
..so close they probably built your sub one the old Indian Burial Grounds.
I wondered where those bones came from when I was digging up shrubs!
Seriously, you should go with me some time and you could get some awesome pictures of the colorful regalia!
The Indians I work with insist on being called Mexicans. I think they saw the latest Harold & Kumar movie. To put it in their words, "oh my various gods".
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