Aah, the sweet, romantic smell of a roaring - cough!- fire. I no longer have a wood furnace or fireplace but I actually used to enjoy getting firewood ready for winter. We went out into the woods to cut dead trees, cut them into logs, haul them to the house, and split the logs that wouldn't fit into the firebox. I ran across these pictures from 1979. (I was 4 yrs old then : ) The other people in the photos are my in-laws, Howard and Priscilla. Get a load of that woodpile!!
i remember your dog too!
You were 4 years old, and your parents let you cut wood?
That was before the ash borer beetle got to Michigan. You'd have your work cut out for you now, if you had a need for fire wood. Do you still have the splitter? I have a few pieces of dead ash I need to get off my dead ash and split. The bugs got to one of my shade trees.
Wow Mary! I'm impressed! Keep the wood fires burning.
I thought my life was finally getting easier, and now there are two Mary Wilds. What next?
Looks like you guys were running a logging business, impressive!
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