"Taking Pictures of People Taking Pictures"
or "Photography Wildstyle II"
My family seems to get an inordinate number of photographs of photographers. Do not be mistaken. This is not necessarily in error. Some subjects, like Dave (who actually does professional photography on the side) are perpetually holding a camera like an extra appendage. A sort of "love me, love my camera" understanding. If he is to be included in the family album, the camera will be there.
At times, the camera is part of the subject. Maybe we just WANTED a picture of someone taking a picture.
Or maybe the person just got in the way of the intended subject.
Perhaps this person just couldn't put their camera down long enough to pose, like Dave on the"Bowling Ball Ice Mountain" on Lake Michigan,
or stopped JUST long enough, like this one of HB taken from a balcony.
Bonus! On occasion, I even end up with two photogs per pic, like these: from left, clockwise - Guatemala, Utah, Arizona.
Are you ready for a couple of originals?? How about a SHADOW of a person taking a photo?
Or the view through the viewfinder of a photographer??
We give the beginners a chance, too! I like this up-close and personal one of Alisa,
...and of course, the ultimate novices, kids!
I'll leave you with that smile!
I love these photos because they make me envision what the photo the person in the photo was taking, and how it may have looked from their vantage point. Sometimes you can see the subject, sometimes you can't. Either way it gets you thinking...
That's so true, Lindsay!
What a great post! I think the Wilds may have invited a totally new genre of photography!
cute post Mary..........think u all inherited the gene from your Dad.
These are so good...it must have taken you a long time to go through all the pics looking for these. Or do you have them all keyworded? I'ts amazing how many pics the Wild family takes, isn't it?
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