One day last winter Erik, Linda, and I picked up some Guinness Stout and Harps and were having a good time relaxing when I started taking a few shots (pictures, that is). It looks like Linda enjoyed the 'Liquid Irish Heaven' as much as I did and I can almost taste a real live Black & Tan when I take another look at this series.
My ultimate motivation to get back to the old me was health. I knew I didn't look my best, it was harder to find clothes I enjoyed wearing, my favorite sports took more effort and on and on. But when it came right down to it I'm in my fifties now and I just want to be as healthy as I can be.
Once I resumed eating with more focus on nutrition it was actually easy. My favorite foods are all the nutritious ones. The hard part is sugar, but I've been increasingly satisfied with substitutions and portion control. It's habit. My goal was 30 lbs in 3 months and I lost almost 40 lbs in 4 months, keeping within 3 lbs for 4 more months. And counting. The big SECRET? Decreased portions, increased activity. No secret at all.
I encourage comments but don't say, 'you look good' because this is about good health. I'm old enough to know the value of it!
P.S. Have you ever mixed a little cake mix with some water and eaten it with a spoon? No? Uh, yeah, me neither.