Tom Heffron, my cousin who lives in Guatemala, called last night from my Aunt Mary Ellen's house near Lansing. They're in Michigan for their annual summer visit and coming my way today! I've invited them (his wife and their kids Eddie and Cheche) for dinner tonight. I'm very excited to see them! Yikes! Now I'm thinking back to the time I had dinner hosted by their family in Guatemala for his sister Rosie's wedding and the night before the wedding. What a couple of grand affairs...a bounty of excellent local fare all presented with the utmost of style, quality and elegance. Mariachis, detailed table settings, enchanting surroundings, and oh, the food! How can I ever compete?? Not to worry...the truth is they are the nicest, kindest people you could ever meet and they are coming to see me! Not my rusty culinary skills, or my yard torn apart by the tree removal guys who are in fact felling trees at this very moment, or my house left in disarray by the recent projects left half done. No, they are coming to see me. And I look forward to it! Hmmm, what to have for dinner....all American burgers on the grill??...
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I take advantage of the passage on your blog to make you a little cuckoo, luberon and wish you a good day @ www.begude.net
You are a fantastic cook, so make anything and they'll love it!
Nice job Mary. You've got French men flirting with you on your blog. The rest of us are jealous :)
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