Time to Shave my L...
Time to shave my lawn...
It has rained daily for almost 2 weeks and I've had better things to do than cut the grass, so the lawn was overgrown like a rain forest today. It was so long that as I went over it with the mower some got nicely cut and some blades just got flattened. On my next pass over the green stuff the last row had popped up again and needed more attention. As I re cut each row 2 or 3 times my mind wandered to the possibilities for making this more efficient. You know, like a multi-blade razor. Remember the TV ad illustrating the first blade holding up the whisker and the next one cutting it? I'm telling you this could work with lawnmowers.
Craftsman 5.5 Torque, 21 in. Deck, Rear Bag Push Lawn Mower + Gillette Mach3Turbo, no better yet, Gillette Fusion 5 Blade Razor with 2 Lubricating Strips and 1Blade on the back for trimming sideburns = ONE COOL MOWER / TRIMMER
Challenge to all you (my two readers) engineers, mechanics, mathematicians and real men out there, complete the above equation. Or come on up and mow my lawn. Beer is included.
PS If you thought I was going to say, "Time to shave my legs" stay home.
I'll just come up and cut your lawn. All that mower/razor integration stuff sounds like alot of work...better to spend the energy drinking your beer!
How very clever of you to cite Occam's RAZOR to make your point!! (Simplest solution is the best.)
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