Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Whiter the Bread, the Sooner You're Dead

I've been reading a couple of books on nutrition & health by Joel Fuhrman M.D.  My interest in nutrition goes back many years and Eat for Health intrigued me enough to make some changes in my diet the past 6 or 7 weeks.  The idea of a nutrient dense diet excluding or greatly reducing things like meat, salt, sugar, fat and additives makes perfect sense.   Studies have shown amazing reductions in weight, cholesterol levels & blood pressure, reversal of diabetes and general achievement of superior health.  On the other hand, "everything in moderation" has always seemed like a good idea too.
  Last night I baked some whole wheat-oat-raisin muffins.   When I realized the recipe had no salt, sugar or oil my hopes for a mouth watering experience faded.  As I offered one to Erich I prefaced it with, "These muffins may help you live longer but you may wish you were dead."  Ok, I'll give this thing a chance but of  Fuhrman's four phases I may only make it to phase II or III.


wildmary said...

By the way, I've lost 14 lbs but that wasn't even my primary purpose for this change. I just want to discontinue my cholesterol meds.

Unknown said...

So how were the muffins? :)

wildmary said...

Bad with a capital B. But I baked some whole wheat, oatmeal, blueberry muffins last night that had a pinch of salt and some pure maple syrup in them...mmm much better.